
Linghao Zhang

Undergraduate Student
Wuhan University
starryzhang (at) whu.edu.cn

About Me

Hey there! 👋 I’m Linghao Zhang, a final year undergrad majoring in Software Engineering at Wuhan University, where I was mentored by Peng Liang and Chong Wang. Currently, I’m also a research intern at Microsoft Research. During my undergrad years, I embarked on the world of research, enjoying the journey of discovery and receiving solid academic training along the way. I’m dedicated to the intersection of Software Engineering and AI, and I’m particularly interested in SE research that has practical implications.

I’m looking for a PhD position in 25Fall.

Research Interests



  1. arXiv
    Linghao Zhang, Hongyi Zhang, Chong Wang, Peng Liang

  2. SANER
    Linghao Zhang, Jingshu Zhao, Chong Wang, Peng Liang
    IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2024